Laravel All About Cookies(Get, Set, Delete)

Hello Artisan, today I'll talk about the cookie. How to set, get or delete the cookie in our Laravel Application. An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is small data sent from a website and stored on our computer browser, which we need to put in the based on our requirements, so that later we can use. So, no more talk let's see how we can use cookie in our Laravel Application.

Note: Tested on Laravel 9.19.

Table of Contents

  1. Set cookie
  2. Get Cookie
  3. Delete Cookie

Set Cookie

We can set cookies by two ways

  1. Using Cookie Facade
  2. Using cookie() helper

Using Facade

For using the Facade we've to use queue() method of Cookie class which accepts three parameters. See the below code for more info.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;
public function setCookie()
        Cookie::queue('test-cookie', 'Set Cookie from', 120);

        return response()->json(['Cookie set successfully.']);

Here we'll use three parameters where 1st parameter is cookie identifier and 2nd parameter is value of this cookie and third parameter is time in minute.

Using cookie() helper

We can also set cookie using cookie() helper function. See the below code snippets.

public function setCookie()
        return response()->json(['Cookie set successfully.'])->cookie(
            'test-cookie-2', 'Set Cookie from Ex. 2', 120

Get Cookie

We can also get cookies by two ways

  1. Using Cookie Facade
  2. Using Request Object

Using Facade

For using the Facade we've to use get() method of Cookie class which accepts one parameter as the cookie identifier. See the below code for more info.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;

public function getCookie()
        return Cookie::get('test-cookie'); //which will print the Set Cookie from

Using Request Object

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function getCookie(Request $request)
        return $request->cookie('test-cookie-2'); //which will return Set Cookie from Ex. 2

Delete Cookie

For delete cookie we need to use the forget() method of Cookie Facade. It'll accept an parameter of cookie name. Like the below code snippet

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;

public function deleteCookie()
        return Cookie::forget('test-cookie');

That's it for today. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. Thanks for reading. 🙂