Laravel Jobs and Queues with Example
Hello artisans, in this article I’m going to share Laravel jobs and queues with example. Let’s get started:
Note: Last tested on Laravel 8.62.0.
Table of Contents
- Install Laravel and Basic Config
- Configure Queue
- Create a Mailable Class
- Create a Queue Job
- Call Queue Job
- Test Queue Job
Install Laravel and Basic Config
Each Laravel project needs this thing. That’s why I have written an article on this topic. Please see this part from here: Install Laravel and Basic Configurations.
Configure Queue
We need to select a queue driver and need to generate a queues table. There are some drivers available such as sync, database, redis, sqs etc. We are going to use database driver.
Open .env file and change QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync
To create queues table, run this command:
php artisan queue:table
Then we need to migrate the database.
php artisan migrate
Create a Mailable Class
Before creating a mailable class, let’s set email SMTP credentials in the .env file. I’m using SMTP service for sending emails.
[email protected]
Now create a mailable class named SendEmailWelcome. In the terminal, type the following command.
php artisan make:mail SendEmailWelcome
Then open app/Mail/SendEmailWelcome.php file and paste the code:
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
class SendEmailWelcome extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
private $name;
* Create a new message instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Build the message.
* @return $this
public function build()
return $this->subject('Welcome to!')->view('emails.welcome')->with([
'name' => $this->name,
Now we need to create an email view. Create a view file in this location resources/views/emails/welcome.blade.php and paste the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h4>Laravel Jobs and Queues with Example -</h4>
<p>Hello {{$name}}.</p>
<p>Welcome to</p>
Create a Queue Job
Let’s create a job to send welcome email.
php artisan make:job SendWelcomeEmailJob
Open app\Jobs\SendWelcomeEmailJob.php and paste this code:
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Mail\SendEmailWelcome;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
class SendWelcomeEmailJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
protected $details;
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($details)
$this->details = $details;
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
Mail::to($this->details['email'])->send(new SendEmailWelcome($this->details['name']));
Call Queue Job
To test the queue job, we need to call the job. Open web route file and paste the code:
use App\Jobs\SendWelcomeEmailJob;
Route::get('test', function () {
$details['name'] = 'Md Obydullah';
$details['email'] = '[email protected]';
dispatch(new SendWelcomeEmailJob($details));
You can call the job from anywhere such as from the controller.
Test Queue Job
Our app is ready to test. Before running the app, let’s clear the config:
php artisan optimize && php artisan config:clear
Now run the app:
php artisan serve
And visit http://localhost:8000/test
to fire the job.
After firing the job, run this command in the console to process the queue job:
php artisan queue:work
If everything is okay, you’ll see the output like:
[2021-09-29 08:04:51][15] Processing: App\Jobs\SendWelcomeEmailJob
[2021-09-29 08:04:55][15] Processed: App\Jobs\SendWelcomeEmailJob
Note: You can keep running the command php artisan queue:work
using Task Scheduling.
That’s all. You can download this project from GitHub. Thanks for reading.
Md Obydullah
Software Engineer | Ethical Hacker & Cybersecurity...
Md Obydullah is a software engineer and full stack developer specialist at Laravel, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Android, Linux Server, and Ethichal Hacking.