Parse JSON In Node.js From External URL
In one of my articles, I have described about How To Parse JSON In Node.js. In that article I have told some ways to parse JSON without parsing from external URL. Today I am going to share this method with you. Let’s follow these steps:
Table of Contents
Step 1 : Install Request Package
Request package helps us to parse JSON from an external URL. Go to your project directory using CMD. Then type this command to install request package:
nmp install request
Step 2 : Create a JS File
We have downloaded the main necessary library for this project. Now create a file named “server.js” in the root directory of your project. Open the JS file with an editor and paste this code:
var request = require("request")
var url = ""
url: url,
json: true
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
console.log(body) // Print the json response
Step 3 : Run the Project
Our project is ready to run. Let’s run the project and see the output:
node server
When I run the project, I have seen this output:

We have successfully parsed JSON from the external URL.
Md Obydullah
Software Engineer | Ethical Hacker & Cybersecurity...
Md Obydullah is a software engineer and full stack developer specialist at Laravel, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Android, Linux Server, and Ethichal Hacking.