Install and Configure phpMyAdmin with Apache on CentOS 7

Today, I’ll show you how to Install and Configure phpMyAdmin with Nginx on CentOS 7. Let’s follow these steps:

Step 1 : Login to Server

At first, we need to login to our server via SSH. Open your terminal and run this command:

ssh root@IPaddress -p PORT

Step 2 : Install phpMyAdmin

First, we need to install EPEL repository. By typing this command, install EPEL repository if not installed:

sudo yum install epel-release

After installing EPEL repository, now we can install phpMyAdmin by typing this command:

sudo yum install phpmyadmin

Now, restart Apache:

systemctl restart httpd

To access the phpMyAdmin interface type this on a browser:


Step 3 : Configure phpMyAdmin

Accessibility: Normally, phpMyAdmin is only accessible from the localhost. If you want to access phpMyAdmin anywhere, open phpMyAdmin.conf:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>
	AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
	AllowOverride all
	Require all granted

Again restart the Apache:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

That’s it. Thank you.

Software Engineer | Ethical Hacker & Cybersecurity...

Md Obydullah is a software engineer and full stack developer specialist at Laravel, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Android, Linux Server, and Ethichal Hacking.