How to Fix WordPress Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting Issue
Nowadays many of our user’s are promising that they were unable to login to their WordPress Admin panel.Login issues are caused by different errors such as error establishing database connection, internal server error or white screen of death. Another login error is when your login page remains refreshing and redirecting it back to the login page. In this tutorial we will concentrate on how to fix login page refreshing and redirecting error.
Clear Cookies to Resolve Login Issues
Generally WordPress uses cookies for login authentication. So the first method for fixing WP login error is very simple. Clear cookies and cache from your browser. Also make sure that your browser has cookies enabled. After doing this task restart your browser and try to login. If you don’t succeed to login please follow next step.
Deactivate All Plugins
WordPress plugin can cause this error specially if there exists a conflict between two plugins. To deactivate your wordpress plugin use an FTP client like FileZilla and connect to your web hosting. Rename /wp-content/plugins/ directory to plugins_backup. This will deactivate all your plugins installed on your website. After deactivating all your plugins try to login your wordpress dashboard. If you succeed this means one of your plugins was causing this error.
Revert Back to the Default Theme
WordPress theme also can cause for this issue. It happens after upgrading to newer version of WordPress or Theme itself. To find out this problem you have to deactivate your theme. This process is similar to deactivate the plugin. Go to /wp-content/themes/ directory and rename your current theme directory to anything. Once you have done that then try to logging in again. If this method doesn’t work follow the other tricks.
Delete .htaccess File
Sometimes .htaccess file may get corrupted and causes for internal server and login issue errors. Backup the .htaccess file in your computer and delete it from your website root directory. You can also delete .htaccess file from wp-admin directory as well if it exists. Try to login again. As a result if you succeed this means .htaccess file stopping from logging in your wordpress admin area. When logged in on your admin area go to Settings » Permalinks and save it. It will generate a new .htaccess file.
Update Site URL
Another reason for refreshing and redirecting login page is site URL. To do this task you have to login your site using FTP and have to edit wp-config.php file. Simply add this two lines in wp-config.php file and replace the previous with your own URL.
Finally save the changes and hopefully that will fix the login page refreshing error. We hope that this tutorial will help you to remove login refreshing and redirecting issues.
Md Obydullah
Software Engineer | Ethical Hacker & Cybersecurity...
Md Obydullah is a software engineer and full stack developer specialist at Laravel, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Android, Linux Server, and Ethichal Hacking.