How to Fix Destination Folder Already Exists Error in WordPress

If you face ‘Destination folder already exists’ error in WordPress, then you have to follow steps given in below. During the installation of a theme or a plugin which prevents you from finishing the installation process, this error usually occurs. In this article, we will show you how to Fix Destination Folder Already Exists Error in WordPress.

What causes Destination Folder Already Exists Error in WordPress?

During the installation of a theme or plugin,This error occurs. After the file itself. WordPress extracts your plugin or theme’s zip file into a folder name.

If there is a folder with the same name that already exists, then WordPress aborts the installation with the following error message:

Destination folder already exists. /home/user/

Plugin install failed.

First of all,you should visit your themes or plugins page to see if you have it already installed on your site.

If it isn’t already installed, then that means two things:

  • At first, you should delete the plugin or theme didn’t succeed, and it left the plugin/theme folder behind.
  • Your previous installation attempt was interrupted and left an empty destination folder.

In other case, there is a folder where theme or plugin you are trying to install with the same name.This folder is stopping WordPress from completing the installation.

Let’s take a look at how to easily solve destination folder already exists error in WordPress.

Fixing Destination Folder Already Exists Error in WordPress

First of all, you will need to connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client or cPanel File Manager.

After connected, you need to go to the /wp-content/plugins/ or /wp-content/themes/ folder (depending on what you were trying to install).

Now, after the plugin or theme look for the folder name that you were trying to install and then delete it.

Now go back to your WordPress admin area and retry installing the plugin or theme like you would normally do.

We hope this article will help you learn how to easily fix destination folder already exists error in WordPress.