Sliding Product Card UI Design using Tailwind CSS v3

Build an e-commerce product card with tailwindcss. The most beautiful part of tailwindcss creates animation easily. Here I build an e-commerce product card with tailiwndcss with slide transition view. let's check the code below ๐Ÿ‘‡

<div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-gray-200">
  <div aria-details="card" class="relative flex w-[300px] hover:w-[600px] transition-all duration-1000 ease-in-out h-96 overflow-hidden bg-white shadow-2xl"">
    <div aria-details="image" class="relative min-w-xm w-[300px] scale-50 h-full bg-white flex justify-center items-center">
      <img class="h-96 max-w-xs transition duration-300 ease-out hover:-rotate-12 hover:-translate-x-5" src="" />
    <div aria-details="details" class="bg-yellow-200 relative min-w-sm h-full flex p-5 flex-col justify-center transition delay-700 ease-in-out">
      <h1 class="text-2xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-3xl">Nike Air Max</h1>
      <h4 class="text-sm font-medium mt-2">Product details</h4>
      <p class="text-md font-normal text-left">Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat qui aliquid error.</p>
      <ul class="flex justify-around my-4">
        <li class="border-2 p-2 rounded-md font-semibold border-black hover:bg-yellow-300 cursor-pointer">36</li>
        <li class="border-2 p-2 rounded-md font-semibold border-black hover:bg-yellow-300 cursor-pointer">38</li>
        <li class="border-2 p-2 rounded-md font-semibold border-black hover:bg-yellow-300 cursor-pointer">40</li>
        <li class="border-2 p-2 rounded-md font-semibold border-black hover:bg-yellow-300 cursor-pointer">42</li>
        <li class="border-2 p-2 rounded-md font-semibold border-black hover:bg-yellow-300 cursor-pointer">44</li>
      <div class="flex justify-between items-center mt-4">
        <h2 class=""><sup class="text-2xl font-semibold">$</sup><span class="text-4xl font-extrabold">199</span><small class="font-semibold">.99</small></h2>
        <a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 bg-white rounded-lg border-2 border-black transition ease-in-out delay-150 hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 duration-300">Buy Now</a>


You can also check the view in Tailwind Play.