Laravel How to Use $loop Variable in Foreach

While iterating through a foreach loop, a $loop variable will be available inside your loop. This variable provides access to some useful bits of information such as the current loop index and whether this is the first or last iteration through the loop:

@foreach ($users as $user)
    @if ($loop->first)
        This is the first iteration.
    @if ($loop->last)
        This is the last iteration.
    <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>

If you are in a nested loop, you may access the parent loop's $loop variable via the parent property:

@foreach ($users as $user)
    @foreach ($user->posts as $post)
        @if ($loop->parent->first)
            This is the first iteration of the parent loop.

To know more about this topic, please read the official doc.