Laravel Login Event Listener

Sometimes we want to display a welcome back message, want to store log data etc. on successful login. In Laravel, we can do this very easily. Let’s follow these steps:

Last tested on Laravel 6.2

Table of Contents

  1. Create a Listener
  2. Map the Listener
  3. Display Message

Step 1 : Create a Listener

We need to create a listener. To make a listener run this artisan command:

php artisan make:listener LoginSuccessful --event=Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login

This will specify the name of the login event on creating the listener. We can also create a listener without specifying any event.

Navigate to the app>Listeners directory and open LoginSuccessful.php file. We are going to define a message in the handle() method. We need to use use Session; for this.

So the full LoginSuccessful.php looks like:


namespace App\Listeners;

use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login;
use Session;

class LoginSuccessful
     * Create the event listener.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Handle the event.
     * @param Login $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(Login $event)
        Session::flash('login-success', 'Hello ' . $event->user->name . ', welcome back!');

Step 2 : Map the Listener

Now we have to attach this listener to EventServiceProvider. Open app>Providers>EventServiceProvider.php file and add this line to $listen property:

protected $listen = [
    // ------------- ,
    'Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login' => ['App\Listeners\LoginSuccessful'],

Step 3 : Display Message

We have completed all the necessary things. It’s time to display the message in blade template. So open your welcome blade template. My welcome template is home.blade.php. I’ve opened it from resources>views folder.

We have add this in the welcome template:

    <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
        {{ session('login-success') }}

So, my full home.blade.php looks like:


    <div class="container">
        <div class="row justify-content-center">
            <div class="col-md-8">
                <div class="card">
                    <div class="card-header">Dashboard</div>

                    <div class="card-body">
                            <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
                                {{ session('login-success') }}

                        @if (session('status'))
                            <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
                                {{ session('status') }}

                        You are logged in!

Let’s run this project and see the output. After successfully logged-in, I’ve shown this welcome message in my welcome view:

We are done. Thanks for reading.