How to Add Security Questions to WordPress Login Screen
Most Financial Institutions and companies ask you question about your identity to verify it before allowing you to login in. This could be a helpful addition in terms of security for your site. In this article, we will show you how to add security questions to WordPress login, registration and reset password screen.

Why Add Security Questions to Login & Registration Forms in WordPress?
If you are using CMS for your blog or site, then you need to know, this is hack-able because a lot of people or hackers already know about its architecture. So, they can attack it in various ways. They can also destroy your website very easily. this is the big bitter truth of WP.
But don’t worry. We have many tricks also to protect our WP blog or site from hackers. You can follow this great security tip especially to protect your WordPress admin login. You can make this safer with this trick:
Adding Security Questions to Improve WordPress Login Securit
The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Security Question plugin. After installation, you need to visit Settings » Security Questions page to configure the plugin settings

This is a list of security questions already setup. You can add your own security questions by clicking on the “Add more” button at the bottom. Alternatively, you can also edit or remove the existing questions.
At the bottom of the settings pages, you will find the options to enable security questions on login, registration, and lost password pages.

Click on the save settings button to store your changes.
Users on your site will be asked to select and answer their security question on the login page.

Registered users of Your WordPress site’s can visit their Profile page to select a security question and add their answer to it.

Users will still be able to log in by just using their username/email and password who do not set a security question.
If you enabled security questions on the registration page, then new users will be able to select a security question during registration.

After enabling security question on forgot password page will ask users to answer their security question to get the password reset email.
If a user’s email address is satisfied, then this would stop someone from gaining access by resetting the password.

This is great for WordPress security, hacker proofing and reducing the likelihood of a successful brute force attack.